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Computing Everywhere

Computing Everywhere is an Northwestern initiative aimed to improve computational literacy and thinking among students with limited background in computation. To learn more about the initiative visit the full Computing Everywhere website



Computing Everywhere Workshops

Spring Quarter (2024):

  • Human-Computer Interfaces for Musicking: Learn the basics of interface design through the lens of musical instruments. Students will dissect and critique musical interfaces, learn important concepts in interface design, and build & evaluate their musical instruments via Makey-Makeys.
  • Embedding Methods in Social Sciences: Learn how to represent non-numerical data (like words) in a numerical form for content analysis.
  • Wearables and Machine Learning in Sports Contexts: Design wearable devices for sporting activities. Think about the whole design process, including users' needs and goals, and the potential impacts of wearables on athletes and sports.
  • Applications of Machine Learning in Healthcare: Learn how fitness trackers can detect patterns in your heart rate. Students will learn the basics of signal processing and train a deep-learning model to detect anomalies in heart rate signals.
  • Demystifying Algorithmic Content Curation:  Students will untangle the legal jargon used in the terms and conditions (that checkbox you always agree to without actually reading), identify specific examples of tailored content, and discuss tangible steps to protect your privacy while still being able to enjoy and use the platforms we’ve come to rely on.
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