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News & Events

Liz Gerber Welcomed to the ACM SIGCHI Academy Class of 2025

March 2025   The CHI Academy recognizes exceptional leaders in the Human-Computer Interaction field for their scholarly achievements, research excellence and contributions to society. Dr. Gerber is being recognized for her significant contributions to the field and her dedication to using design for social impact.

Thought Leader Dialogue: AI and the Future of Work

February 2025   Join us for an engaging conversation with Eric Horvitz and David Autor, contributing authors the Nation Academies Report on Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Work, as they discuss with co-director Liz Gerber the insights to stay ahead in our rapidly changing world.

The Center Celebrates our Accomplishments from 2023 to 2024

December 2024   During the 2023-24 year, The Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design was able to achieve a number of milestones. From select accomplishments of faculty and student affiliates to activities the center has supported during the past year. We're looking forward to continuing to grow the center in the new year.

Andrea Graham Appointed Chief of Implementation Science at Feinberg School of Medicine

October 2024   Congratulations to faculty affiliate Andrea Graham on being appointed as Chief of the Division of Implementation Science in the Department of Medical Social Sciences at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine!

from Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine

The Insightful Leader Live: AI Isn’t Magic—It’s Hard Work. Here’s How to Get Started.

October 2024   Co-director Elizabeth Gerber joins Professor Hatim Rahman to discuss some of the biggest challenges of adopting AI at work.

from Kellogg Insight

Liz Gerber Panelist for Family Action Network

October 2024   Center co-director Liz Gerber will be joining Carissa Carter (Stanford) and Scott Doorley to discuss "Assembling Tomorrow: A Guide to Designing a Thriving Future" on October 9th at 6pm CT.

from Family Action Network

AI Literacy at the Museum of Science and Industry

September 2024   Earlier this summer, the Creative Interfaces Research + Design Studio (led by faculty affiliate Duri Long) collaborated with the Georgia Institute of Technology to display three AI literacy exhibits at the Griffin Museum of Science and Industry.

Alumni Q&A Panel

September 2024   Curious about a career in human-computer interaction? Wondering what resources are available at Northwestern to support your research? Just want to get advice from real world professionals? Join the Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design for an enlightening discussion with alumni as they share their journey through Northwestern programs, career paths, and their hard-earned knowledge.

Co-Director Darren Gergle Collaborates with UCI on Accessibility Project

June 2024   HCI+D co-director Darren Gergle and faculty affiliate Eleanor O'Rourke are working with researchers to to create an accessible infrastructure of new interaction techniques.

from UCI Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences

Northwestern Alum Hannah Chung Uses Her Design Education to Make an Impact

May 2024   Hannah Chung's journey from McCormick Engineering to co-founding Sproutel is a testament to the transformative power of design education.

from Northwestern McCormick School of Engineering

Decentralizing Social Media: The challenges and opportunities of federated systems

May 2024   How can we create more trustworthy and accountable social media that support diverse communities? Join HCI+D and the Community Data Science Collective (CDSC) on May 23 at 4 p.m. CT for an engaging conversation about the challenges and opportunities of decentralized social media.

HCI+D Researchers Attend CHI 2024

May 2024   We are so proud that the Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design's community will collectively showcase 18 papers, works, panels, and other events at ACM CHI'24 in Honolulu Hawai'i.

Dr. Corinna Coupette: Code for Law and Law for Code

May 2024   Contemporary information societies constitute complex adaptive systems that are strongly shaped by two interacting sets of rules: law and code. Recent advances in computing methods and technologies, combined with the increasing availability of data concerning every aspect of our lives, create unprecedented opportunities to tackle our world's biggest challenges, but also unprecedented risks for individuals, societies, and our planet at large. To seize the opportunities and mitigate the risks, we need a productive exchange between computer scientists, social scientists, humanities scholars, and legal scholars. In this talk, I will discuss different approaches to establishing such an exchange, from computational legal studies to ethical algorithm design. I will further describe how these approaches will help us achieve two long-term goals: developing a critical computational systems theory of law, and devising a trans-disciplinary regulatory framework for responsible computing.

Technical Difficulties Podcast Launches Season 2

May 2024   Technical Difficulties centers the stories of female leaders in tech and design. In each episode, these women share career-defining moments, unexpected pivots, values they live and design by, and advice for students and new grads. Join Liz Gerber, Northwestern Professor and founder of Design for America, as we learn alongside the leaders designing a human-centered digital future.

Diyi Yang: Technology & Social Behavior Colloquium

May 2024   Large language models have revolutionized the way humans interact with Al systems, transforming a wide range of fields and disciplines. In this talk, we discuss several approaches to enhancing human-AI interaction using LLMs. The first one looks at social skill training with LLMs by demonstrating how we use LLMs to teach conflict resolution skills through simulated practice. The second part develops efficient learning methods for adapting LLMs to low-resource languages and dialects to reduce disparity in language technologies. We conclude by discussing how human-Al interaction via LLMs can empower individuals and foster positive change.

Center Affiliate Wei Chen joins the American Academy of Arts & Sciences

April 2024   HCI+D is honored to announce that center affiliate Professor Wei Chen has been elected to join the American Academy of Arts & Sciences. Along with the 250 other members elected in 2024, Dr. Chen is being recognized for their excellence and is invited to uphold the Academy’s mission of engaging across disciplines and divides.

HCI+D and the Cognitive Science Program Welcome Dr. Munmun De Choudhury

April 2024   The Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design and the Cognitive Science Program are excited to welcome Dr. Munmun De Choudhury, Associate Professor at the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Tech, to Northwestern on April 30th. Dr. Choudhury will be giving a talk entitled: "Does Social Media Support or Worsen Our Mental Well-Being? What Quasi-Experimental Studies Can Tell Us" on April 30th at 4pm in Swift Hall, Room 107. There will be a reception to follow.

Thought Leader Dialogue: AI and the Future of Work

April 2024   With the explosion of AI platforms, what is the future of work? Will we need “humans in the loop”? Although these platforms are still in the early stages, implications are broadly significant. In this dialogue, we bring together researchers with distinct perspectives to discuss approaches for designing a desirable future of work for everyone. Tackling questions related to ethics, governance, and competition, this dialog will highlight the role of thoughtful design in achieving the vision of a desirable future of work for everyone.

The Intersection of Design and Academia: A Look into Northwestern's Design Research Cluster

April 2024   Interdisciplinary faculty and PhD students collaborate to push the boundaries of human computer interaction and design research.

AI@NU Conversation with Phont on April 12

March 2024   Join AI@NU for a conversation with innovative startup Phont on Friday, April 12 from 10-11am!

Center Alum Kristine Lu's paper wins JSPG award

March 2024   Rather than treating social impact as a box to be checked to fulfill grant requirements (broader impact statements, anyone?), or community engagement only to inform policymakers' technocratic decisions, Lu and her coauthors argue that communities should be the ones exercising power in scientific decision making and participating as experts in the scientific process, in authentic and reciprocal partnerships with researchers.

from Journal of Science Policy & Governance

Incoming Faculty Karan Ahuja Wins ACM SIGCHI Dissertation Award

March 2024   Incoming Faculty Karan Ahuja Wins ACM SIGCHI Dissertation Award

from Northwestern Engineering

Prof. Christina Nguyen teaches mic-making workshop

February 2024   Students learned the basics of soldering before building their own DIY contact and coil mics, learning about how to use them, and taking their own out for a spin.

Quantifying Gender Disparities and Bias Online: Special Issue

February 2024   TSB Faculty Ágnes Horvát acts as a guest editor for a special issue on gender gaps in digital spaces in the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication.

from Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication

Centering Sound Artists in Generative Music

February 2024   Scholars of computer science, history, and law consider human-centered approaches to AI and the sound arts

from Northwestern Engineering

Towards Human-Centered AI with Chenhao Tan

January 2024   The Technology & Social Behavior Ph.D. Program is excited to welcome Professor Chenhao Tan of University of Chicago to campus. Professor Tan will give a talk entitled “Towards Human-centered AI: How to Generate Useful Explanations for Human-AI Decision Making” that will take place Thursday, February 8th from 4:00pm-5:00pm, with a reception to follow, in the Human-Computer Interaction + Design Center (Frances Searle Building, Room 1-122). We welcome you to join!

Lesley-Ann Noel Speaks on How to Design for Social Change

January 2024   Author and educator Lesley-Ann Noel breaks down her book, "Design Social Change," for Northwestern students.

from Segal Design Institute

Thought Leader Dialogue: Designing Computing Education for Everyone

June 2023   Phones. Tablets. Cars. We are constantly interacting with computers, yet few of us get to participate in designing the systems and interfaces that increasingly mediate our everyday lives. This is because computing education has historically focused on training a select few to become professional software developers. However as computing is increasingly viewed as a core literacy that has value for all learners, this landscape is changing. In this dialog, we bring together researchers with distinct perspectives to discuss approaches for designing computing learning experiences for everyone. We ask: how can we design tools, curricula, and learning communities to foster interest, engagement, and broad participation in computing education? Tackling questions related to equity, scale, and context across K-12 and higher education, this dialog will highlight the role of thoughtful design in achieving the vision of computing education for everyone.

Teaching Artificial Intelligence Literacy: ‘AI Is for Everyone’

April 2023   Artificial intelligence (AI) is everywhere, but most people have limited understanding of how the technologies work. Researchers are working to bridge that divide.

Elizabeth Dudley Recognized by Office of Undergraduate Research at Fletcher Awards

January 2023   In December 2022 the Office of Undergraduate Research recognized undergraduate students for their research projects during their Fletcher Awards.

from Northwestern Now

Lambert Conference on the Future of Human-Computer Interaction + Design

November 2022   The two-day Lambert conference hosted by the Human-Computer Interaction + Design center explores the future of human and computer interaction.

from Northwestern Engineering

Supporting Designers in Expressing Human Experiences to AI and Context-Aware Technologies

November 2022   Technology and Social Behavior PhD student Ryan Louie earned a 2022 Google PhD Fellowship in Human Computer Interaction

from Northwestern Engineering

Connecting Deep Learning Developers with Sound Artists

November 2022   TEAMuP received a $1.8 million Future of Work at the Human-Technology Frontier award from NSF

from McCormick School of Engineering

2022 Lambert Conference on the Future of Human Computer Interaction + Design

October 2022   Join Northwestern’s Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design (HCI+D) on October 24 and 25 for an engaging conference on how technology will influence the way we live, work, and play.

from Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design

Technology and Social Behavior Student Ryan Louie Awarded Google PhD Fellowship

September 2022   Ryan Louie (TSB) awarded Google PhD Fellowship

HCI+D Faculty Mike Horn Promoted to Full Professor

September 2022   Mike Horn Promoted to Full Professor

Michael Horn's Newly Published Book: Introduction to Digital Music with Python Programming

June 2022   Michael Horn's Newly Published Book: Introduction to Digital Music with Python Programming

Alumna Patricia Bao Gifts the HCI+D Center

June 2022   Patricia Bao’s commitment is largest ever for Northwestern’s Center for Human-Computer Interaction and Design

from Northwestern Now

Unpaid social media moderators perform labor worth at least $3.4 million a year on Reddit alone

June 2022   Can regular users wield the value of their contributions as leverage against Big Tech?

from Northwestern Now

Designing Practical Technology Solutions

May 2022   DTR students Cindy Hu, Fardeem Munir, and Roxanna Wilcox earned top awards in the Undergraduate Category at the CHI 2022 Student Research Competition.

from Northwestern Engineering

DTR Film Premiere

May 2022   Premiere party for Forward, a documentary short film following Northwestern University’s Design, Technology, and Research (DTR) program led by associate professor Haoqi Zhang


Tech, Media, & Democracy

May 2022   TSB is organizing a virtual panel on the topic of Tech, Media & Democracy, featuring Chris Bail (Duke), Mor Naaman (Cornell Tech) and Rebekah Tromble (George Washington) in conversation with our own Ágnes Horvát, and in collaboration with our partners at the Center for HCI+D and the Center for Communication and Public Policy.

Product Innovation at DEKA Research and Development

May 2022   Join the Center for Robotics and Biosystems and the Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design for a Seminar with Dean Kamen.

Making Art with AI: Tool, Collaborator, or Competitor?

April 2022   Making Art with AI: Tool, Collaborator, or Competitor?

Speaker Narges Mahyar

April 2022   Technology and Social Behavior Speaker Series

ACM SIGCHI 2022 Conference

April 2022   A list of all the papers with Northwestern authors from the CHI 2022 conference.

Speaker: Kate Bergeron

March 2022   Speaker Kate Bergeron VP of Hardware Engineering

Gregory D. Abowd: The Internet of Materials

February 2022   Gregory D. Abowd presents their talk: The Internet of Materials: The next logical step or a paradigm shift?

Tackling the Grand Challenges in Human Computer Interaction + Design

November 2021   Panelists discussed systemic obstacles and shared perspectives on their transition from academia to industry

from Northwestern Engineering


Center for Human Computer Interaction + Design Annual Report 2020-2021

September 2021   Center for Human Computer Interaction + Design Annual Report 2020-2021

Eleanor O’Rourke Receives Prestigious NSF CAREER Award

May 2021   The award will support the improvement of learning and retention in introductory computer science courses

from Northwestern Engineering

Design Must be Taken Seriously Because of its Consequences

December 2020   Northwestern’s Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design hosted a virtual roundtable on December 4

from Northwestern Engineering


Fri. Dec. 4, 1p.m: HCI + Design Thought Leaders Lecture: Pluriversal Design

November 2020   Join Northwestern’s Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design (HCI+D) for an engaging conversation about the past, present, and future of design on December 4, 1-2 p.m., CST (via Zoom)


McCormick, School of Communication Launch Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design

September 2020   Center to develop the future of human and computer interaction

from Northwestern Engineering

How to Self-Assemble Project Teams That Are Optimally Effective

November 2019   Noshir Contractor's team investigates how to self-assemble effective student- and faculty-based teams based on criteria such as learning, cohesiveness, and final performance.

from MyDreamTeam (MDT)

How Do People Change Their Technology Use in Protest?: Understanding "Protest Users"

November 2019   Professor Brent Hecht finds that “protest users” are motivated by concerns about business models that profit from user data and privacy. Common tactics including stopping use and leveraging ad blockers.

from ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing

How Data Visualizations Can Clarify and Confound Uncertainty

October 2019   Jessica Hullman’s Scientific American article weighs pros and cons of common data visualizations.

from Northwestern Computer Science

Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Journalism Offers a Glimpse of the Future of the Knowledge Economy

June 2019   Professor Nicholas Diakopoulos writes about AI enhanced journalism and the future of the knowledge economy.

from The Conversation

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