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Collaborative Computing

Technology is fundamentally changing how we interact with each other, directly or indirectly, through gestures, speech, and gaze. This also influences how we exchange human, social, financial, and information capital. Yet, we lack an empirical understanding of the future of computer-supported collaboration in our multicultural society. We aim to scale collaboration and design systems that bridge every individual across the world through smart and interconnected communities. Center researchers pioneer the science of collaborative computing and build on faculty expertise in collaboration, social computing, peer production, multimodality, and mobile computing.

Meet Our Faculty Experts 

blank photoHeadshot of Elizabeth Gerber





Jeremy Birnholtz              Nick Diakopoulos            Elizabeth Gerber             Darren Gergle


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headshot of aaron shawheadshot of haoqi zhang







 Brent Hecht                            Mike Horn                                Aaron Shaw                        Haoqi Zhang


Past Events

Thought Leader Dialogue: Decentralizing Social Media
May 23, 2024

Virtual panel brought together by center affiliate Aaron Shaw guest speakers Jaz-Michael King of IFTASBryan Newbold of BlueSky, and Christine Lemmer-Webber of Spritely Networked Communities Institute.

watch the panel

Undergraduate Mic Making Workshop
February 10, 2024

Undergraduate students learned to make their very own microphones at the HCI+D Center with Prof. Christina Nguyen of the School of Communication. 

Learn more about the workshop

Industry Panel: Grand Challenges in Human-Computer Interaction + Design
November 4, 2021

Featuring panelists: Mark Diaz (Research Scientist on the Ethical AI team, Google), Emily Harburg (Director of Emerging Technology and Innovation, EF Education First), Isaac Johnson (Research Scientist, Wikimedia Foundation), Lauren Scissors (Director of Research at Facebook), Prem Seetharaman (Research Scientist, Descript). 

Watch the panel

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