The Center Celebrates our Accomplishments from 2023 to 2024
Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design Annual Report 2023-2024
Our Vision
At the Center for Human-Computer Interaction + Design, we believe that society should be collaborative, sustainable, and equitable. We bring together researchers and practitioners from across the University and globe to study, design, and develop new paradigms for interaction. Our work spans a wide range because technology influences everything we do.
Message from the Co-Directors
It’s an honor to present our 2024 annual report. We have been deeply inspired by the commitment of the wonderful faculty, students, administrators, and supporters who work together to bring the Center’s vision to life. No single person can create a collaborative, sustainable, and equitable society; it takes a community, and that’s exactly what we are building.
One community member we’d like to express our heartfelt thanks to is Jeremy Birnholtz, who did exceptional service as interim co-director of the Center for HCI + Design during co-director Darren Gergle’s academic leave. Jeremy’s expertise in organizational processes, deep institutional knowledge, and strategic thinking have been invaluable this past year and we are deeply appreciative of his contributions.
We’ve done quite a bit over the course of the 2023-24 academic year. We’ve expanded cross-university collaboration between eight departments in five schools. We’ve hosted a number of original events, like our May 2024 Thought Leader Dialogue on “AI and the Future of Work.” We’ve also created unique online programming, like co-director Gerber’s highly-regarded podcast Technical Difficulties (soon to debut its 3rd season). Through events and programming like these we have steadily increased the center’s reputation as an international thought leader in HCI + Design and meaningfully contributed to the larger societal conversation around how to harness AI in a human-centered way. Through events and programming like these we have steadily increased the center’s reputation as an international thought leader in HCI + Design and meaningfully contributed to the larger societal conversation around how to harness AI in a human-centered way. As we do so, we foster a community where center members are empowered and reinforced, helping them successfully engage in new collaborations and fundraise for exciting new initiatives. On the point of new endeavors, we’d also like to note and celebrate Center affiliate Ed Colgate’s new $52 million NSF award to develop the new Human AugmentatioN via Dexterity (HAND) Engineering Research Center (ERC).
To help make an environment that supports creativity and scholarship, we have renovated our space to be more inviting and usable by the HCI + Design communities within Northwestern. As a part of this, we hosted our first artist-in-residence, Abby Manock, who contributed the original mural that makes the redesigned space so unique and welcoming.
We are excited to build upon the Center foundation we have successfully laid. While we have much work to do, we are confident that, together, we can work to create new paradigms for interaction that support a collaborative, sustainable, and equitable society. As this report demonstrates, when we build on Northwestern’s pioneering leadership in HCI + Design, we can bring about much-needed change.
In the coming year, we would like to reaffirm our Center’s commitment to our core values of equity, inclusion, collaboration and justice, and we remain committed to the development of new modes of interacting that prioritize our shared values.
As a reminder to the reader, the center strives to be inclusive and forward-looking. Any faculty interested in joining the center are welcome to reach out to the center leadership to learn how they may become involved.
Liz Gerber, Darren Gergle, and Bryan Pardo
Co-Directors, Center for Human-Computer Interaction and Design

We now provide an expanded overview of our achievements for the AY 2023-2024 and the steps we’ve taken toward realizing these achievements.
Achievement 1: Expanded cross university collaboration between two departments and three schools.
The Center brings together researchers and practitioners from across the university with the mission to study, design, and develop the future of interaction at work, home and play. The creation of the Center serves to further solidify Northwestern’s position as a global leader in a research area of monumental importance at the intersection of design and computing in our society. The following presents our core efforts aimed at continuing to develop integral relationships in the community.
Expanded leadership group and welcomed new faculty affiliates
- Recruited three faculty members to join the Center from two schools (SoC, Feinberg) and across two different primary departments
- Recruited 1 post-doctoral researcher to join the Center (SoC).
Expanded our online presence and branding
- Continued to update and establish our website (6,200 visits between Sept. 2023 and May 2024)
- Built upon our social media presence and established the center on a new platform (Instagram: hcidnorthwestern; LinkedIn
- Hired Shelly Rood Kelner as our Digital Media Strategist intern.
Created administrative support processes
- Created a space use policy that can be shared with affiliates.
- Developed a review process for multi-school (McC, SoC and SESP) participation in the annual Human-Computer Interaction Consortium (HCIC) conference.
- Hired Madison Deyo as a part-time Program Coordinator.
- Created communications and marketing oversight task lists for external events.

Achievement 2: Expanded the Center as an international thought leader in HCI and Design.
The Center serves to further Northwestern’s international position as a hub for intellectual activity and forward-looking thought leadership. The following activities serve this goal:
Built upon the “Thought Leader Lecture Series”
With the support of McC and SoC, the series launched in the Fall 2020 with the goal of providing a forum for dialogue with both academic and industry partners. The series highlights Northwestern’s capabilities at the intersection of disciplines and aims to spawn new research initiatives both among NU faculty as well as with external organizations and institutions.
- AI and the Future of Work: Elizabeth Gerber, Brent Hecht, Melissa Valentine, Rebecca Hinds, 190+ registered attendees
- Decentralizing Social Media: Aaron Shaw, Jaz Michael-King, Bryan Newman, Christine Lemmer-Webber, 50+ registered attendees
Our leadership team presented on the Center at local and international venues including:
- McCormick Presentation (Pardo, Birnholtz, Gerber)
- Design Leadership Initiative (Gerber)
- Kellogg Insight Podcast (Gerber)
- Family Action Network Webinars (Gerber)
- Computer Science, Princeton University (Pardo)
- Computer Science, University of Michigan (Pardo)
- Centering Sound Artists in Generative Music, Northwestern University (Pardo)
- Chicago Audio Engineering Society @ Shure (Pardo)
- Rob Kling Center for Social Informatics, Indiana University, November 3, 2023. (Birnholtz)
- Computational Social Science Workshop, University of Chicago, February 29, 2024. (Birnholtz)
- Organized and presented at UC Irvine Workshop on The Future of Accessible Work & GenAI, June 7th, 2024 (Gergle)
- HCIC Conference on the Past, Future, and Present of HCI (Gerber)
We are planning events for the 2024-2025 academic year that are responsive to broader demand from our affiliates:
- Q&A panel featuring successful Northwestern Alum in HCI + Design working at Notre Dame, Amazon, and the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Hosted on September 26th, Fall 2024
- “Academy of Sciences Report on AI and the Future of Work” Thought Leader Dialogue in Winter 2025
- Launching season three of the Technical Difficulties podcast

Achievement 3: Continued to expand the Center as the HCI + Design research resource and intellectual community across the university.
The Center also serves to further HCI and Design research activities within the University. The following activities serve this goal:
Hosted internal research talks and community building events for Center affiliates:
- Dr. Stephan Moore (SoC) “Multichannel audio: a crisis of venue and some possible solutions
- Dr. Kathryn Macapagal (Feinberg) “Lessons from LGBTQ+ teen involvement in the design and implementation of multimedia sexual health promotion interventions
- Dr. Calvin Liang (SoC) “Designing an Online Interactive Sex Education Tool For and With Trans and Queer Youth”
- Dr. Yingdan Lu (SoC) “Performative Propaganda Engagement: How Celebrity Fans Engage with State Propaganda for Social Media Visibility”
- Hosted 8 Faculty and Postdoc Community Building Events throughout AY 2023-2024
- Hosted 5 regular and 2 recurring Student building Events throughout AY 2024-2025
Sponsored PhD reading group on Equity in HCI + Design
Led by graduate student leaders Sachita Nishal (SoC/McC) and Matt Gaughan (SoC/TSB), the group focused on these seminal readings:
- Spring 2024, The Eye of the Master: A Social History of Artificial Intelligence by Matteo Pasquinelli
- Fall 2023 & Winter 2024, Crip Temporalities by Ellen Samuels and Elizabeth Freeman; Sorting Things Out: Classification and Its Consequences by Geoffrey C. Bowker and Susan Leigh Star
- Spring 2023, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism by Benedict Anderson
- Winter 2023, Obfuscation: A User's Guide for Privacy and Protest by Finn Brunton and Helen Nissenbaum
Supported the recruitment of new students and faculty to Northwestern:
- PhD students to Computer Science (CS); Technology and Social Behavior (TSB); Learning Sciences + Computer Science (LS/CS); and Media, Technology and Society (MTS) PhD Programs
- Faculty to the Communication Studies department
- Yingan Lu
- Faculty to the Computer Science Department
- Karan Ahuja
- Nivedita Arora
- Onboarded three new faculty and one Mancosh postdoctoral fellow to the Center
- Feinberg: Kathryn Macapagal
- Communication Studies: Stephan Moore
- Communication Studies: Yingdan Lu
- Communication Studies: Calvin Liang

Achievement 4: Provided educational experiences in HCI + Design.
The Center’s educational mission is to support the development of programs and initiatives that address the complex and interdependent problems we face in the world. Future leadership across a wide range of sectors can no longer rely exclusively upon a deep knowledge of technology, but instead must have a rich understanding of the interaction between society and technology. Our educational activities center on developing a training pipeline to address this challenge and to enable and nurture world-class programs in HCI and Design. The following activities serve this goal:
Expanded the NU HCI undergraduate certificate
- Enrolled 35 undergraduate students in the HCI certificate
Design Research Cluster Activities
- Haoqi Zhang (McCormick) led a yearlong development program for 7 PhD students in design research representing SOC, McC, and SESP with participation from faculty affiliates.
- Fellows included:
- Lexie Zhao (2nd year LS; Advisors: Mike Horn and Sepehr Vakil) Co-design with Children about Augmented Reality (AR)
- Monisola Jayeoba (2nd year TSB; Advisors: Maia Jacobs and Nathan Walter) Understanding Longitudinal Engagement and Sustained Use in Online Health Communities
- Mandi Cai (2nd year TSB; Advisors: Matt Kay and Aaron Shaw) How We Learn About Data and AI in Informal Learning Spaces
- Khushbu Kshirsagar (2nd year LS; Advisors: Mike Horn and Marcelo Worsley) Designing Curiosity Portals: For Tangible, Playful and Informal Mathematical Explorations
- Yinmiao Li (2nd year CS+LS; Advisors: Nell O’Rourke and Haoqi Zhang) Personalized Scaffolds for CS1 Students’ Metacognitive Process
- Melissa Chen (2nd year CS; Advisors: Nell O’Rourke and Duri Long) Designing Scalable Interventions to Address Intro Programming Students’ Negative Self-assessments
- Caryn Tran (2nd year CS+LS; Advisors: Nell O’Rourke and Mike Horn) Co-Design for Authentic Learning in CS
NIMH T32 Postdoctoral Training Program
We continued to support the NIMH T32 postdoctoral fellowship, “Multidisciplinary Training Program in Digital Mental Health” led by PIs David Mohr (Feinberg) and Darren Gergle (SoC) and with the support of numerous HCI+D and CBITs affiliated faculty. (The call for new fellow trainee applications can be found here:
Further Educational Engagements
- Deb Chachra presented on her book “How Infrastructure Works”
- Sarah Herrlinger, from Apple’s accessibility team, presented work to undergraduates and had one-on-one discussions with PhD candidates in the center. Afterward, we held a reception with 35 guest attendees.
- Hosted 10 Computing Everywhere workshops led by Jeremy Birnholtz (SoC).
- Continuing to elicit support from CS for the HCI undergraduate certificate.
Achievement 5: Further developed the space.
The Center has continued to develop and create a place where faculty and student affiliates can utilize the space for talks, workshops, and meetings.
Created a comfortable outdoor patio space:
- Led by interim co-director Jeremy Birnhotlz, the center purchased new patio furniture that can be used by center affiliates, Sound Lab members, and for guest reception events.
Expanded indoor center space:
- Established an artist in residency program and had Abby Manock paint a mural in the center.
- Expanded our guest capacity by bringing in new chairs.
- Elevated the opportunity for group collaboration and workshop activities by building a white board wall.
- Improved our technology for lectures and presentations.
Achievement 6: Faculty affiliates accomplishments.
The Center celebrated a number of accomplishments during 2023-2024. From grants to promotions to student awards, we’d like to highlight some of the many accomplishments achieved by our Northwestern faculty affiliates and associated students.
Select Affiliate accomplishments during fiscal year 2023-24:
- Ed Colgate's HAND center received an NSF ERC award
- Maia Jacobs (PI), Courtney Scherr, Bonnie Spring. Design and evaluation of EMR reports to facilitate clinician-led communication on cancer risk behaviors with cancer survivors. National Cancer Institute (NCI). 2023-2024. ($94,781).
- Duri Long (PI). Non-digital Hands-on AI Learning Resources for Middle-School Students. National Science Foundation (NSF). 2023. ($156,000).
- Darren Gergle, Aaron Shaw, and TSB student Matt Gaugahn presented at the Ford Foundation Center for Social Justice on a newly funded grant project through the Ford Foundation’s Digital Infrastructure Insights Fund (D//F).
- Kavita Kapadia Matsko, Mike Horn, and Paula K. Hooper received a grant to train future STEM educators.
- Wei Chen joins the American Academy of Arts & Sciences.
- TSB PhD student Monisola Jayeoba won the AAU.
- Nell O’Rourke was promoted to Associate Professor in Computer Science and Learning Sciences.
- Darren Gergle received the inaugural endowed chair position as the Bao Family Professor of Human-Computer Interaction.
- Andrea Graham, PhD, Appointed Chief of Implementation Science Division in the Department of Medical Social Sciences at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine.
We look forward to more great adventures in the year to come!
Co-Directors, Bryan, Darren, and Liz